Titus Andronicus s novom postavom pripremili novi album


Titus Andronicus najavili su za 23. listopada novi album “Local Business“.

Snimljen u New Yorku, album se bavi ‘sveprisutnom beznačajnošću života’ i kako u njemu pojedinci stvaraju ‘vlastiti sustav moralnih i drugih vrijednosti’.

Gitaristica Amy Klein i basist Ian Graetzer više nisu u bendu, stoga je album snimila sljedeća postava: gitarist Liam Betson, bubnjar Eric Harm, frontmen Patrick Stickles, gitarist Adam Reich i basist Julian Veronesi.

Popis pjesama:
Ecce Homo
Still Life With Hot Deuce and Silver Platter
Upon Viewing Oregon’s Landscape With the Flood of Detritus
Food Fight!
My Eating Disorder
Titus Andronicus VS. the Absurd Universe (3rd Round KO)
In a Big City
In a Small Body
(I Am the) Electric Man
Tried to Quit Smoking

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