Omar Rodríguez-López s The Melvinsima oformio ‘supergrupu’ Crystal Fairy


Crystal Fairy, ‘supergrupa’ u čijoj se postavi nalaze frontmen i bubnjar The Melvinsa Buzz Osborne odnosno Dale Crover, član bendova The Mars Volta i At the Drive-In Omar Rodríguez-López te liderica benda Le Butcherettes Teri Gender Bender, predstavila je detalje istoimenog albuma prvijenca.

Album koji na tržište stiže 24. veljače iduće godine, putem etikete Mikea Pattona Ipecac Recordings, donosi 11 pjesama, a sve ih predstavlja singl “Drugs On The Bus“:
Drugs On The Bus
Necklace Of Divorce
Moth Tongue
Crystal Fairy
Secret Agent Rat
Under Trouble
Bent Teeth
Sweet Self
Vampire X-Mass.

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