Down ima pjesmu o football ekipi


Za skorašnji novi album južnjačkog benda Down (članovi Pantere, Corrosion of Conformity, Eyehategod, Superjoint Ritual) Ross Karpelman (koji svira klavijature) najavio je da će se naći i jedna prigodna pjesma za njihovo podneblje.

Pjesma se zove “On March The Saints” a odnosi se na klub američkog nogometa New Orleans Saints, te sve one koji drže do održavanja života njhovog grada New Orleansa.

Cijeli album izlazi kasnije ove godine, a riječi za ovu pjesmu su sljedeće:
Be something that amounts to nothing the threat
A wrecking ball plowing through our karma
We have no confident voice in our ears for tonight
Exist in memory (the) only headline

Muziku podržava

We have been through change, by the season of the storms
Its irony, the cleansing
Except eccentric faith, to need religion
To sit high among the elect
On march the Saints

There’s no such thing as a good time for bad luck
As minutes turn to distressed fragmented moments
Reading lips unable to hear the talk
Partake no tangible out in tomorrow

We have seen the change, from the season of the storms
Its irony, the cleansing
With all our lives at stake, from at rest to present
Are sitting high, among the elect
On march the Saints

Muziku podržava