The Garden Resort festivali u Tisnom odgođeni su za 2021. godinu. Do odgode je došlo zbog trenutke pandemije koronavirusa, a već su rezervirani novi datumi za iduću godinu.

Događaji koji se otkazuju su: Hospitality On The Beach, Love International, SunceBeat, Outlook Origins, Defected Croatia, Dimensions i Dekmantel Selectors. Odluka o odgađanju donesena je zbog zabrane javnih događanja i okupljanja te zbog zabrana međunarodnih putovanja, sve s ciljem spriječavanja i zaštite od širenja koronavirusom.

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An important message regarding Outlook Origins 2020⚠️ please swipe to read the full details or read below 👉👇 . Festival season at The Garden Resort postponed until 2021 Following official advice, we’re gutted to announce that Outlook Origins is unable to take place this year. This is following the cancellation of the Garden Resort’s 2020 festival programme as a result of the continued impact of COVID-19, and the event will be rescheduled to 2021. We fully support any decision taken to avoid the additional spread of the virus and we are very grateful to health organisations across the globe keeping up the good fight on our behalf. This will be the first year in over a decade that Outlook Festival has not taken place and while it’s been a frustrating and saddening decision to make, it’s our responsibility to take your safety – and the safety of everyone involved in the event – as our main consideration. Rest assured; that Outlook Festival will be back. We have set the dates on the same weekend in the summer calendar (29th July – 2nd August 2021). We know you’ll have lots of burning questions right now and we would love to ask for your patience in the coming weeks while we regroup and pull together all the information needed. We will then be contacting everyone by email. If you booked on-site or off-site accommodation through The Garden, look out for an email from their accommodation team very soon when they will provide further information on the process. However we would ask you to please hold on confirming any changes to your booking until we have everything signed off. It’s never been more important to support our scene; the artists, labels, promoters, production staff, technicians and everyone involved in making these events so memorable… Your ongoing support means so much to us and everyone in the industry. This is a new struggle to overcome and even though the virus is keeping us apart for now, the music will always bring us back together. Keep safe and keep locked in. We send our love and eternal thanks to all those on the frontline. Outlook Festival

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Muziku podržava

“Teška srca moramo najaviti da će događaji ovog ljeta u The Garden Resortu u Tisnom biti odgođeni na 2021. godinu zbog trenutnog utjecaja pandemije koronavirusa. Svi smo pomno promatrali situaciju tijekom proteklih tjedana, nadajući se da postoji šansa za povratak normalnom životu u srpnju. Ipak, postalo je jasno da će se mjere lokalnih vlada,
zabrane međunarodnih putovanja i velikih okupljanja nastaviti u idućim mjesecima, zbog čega nemamo izbora nego donijeti ovu tešku odluku. Sigurnost i zdravlje naše zajednice, osoblja i gostiju shvaćamo jako ozbiljno i slijedit ćemo javno- zdravstvene upute za sprečavanje širenja svjetske pandemije”, izjavio je domaćin The Garden Resorta u Tisnom Nick Colgan.


Hospitality On The Beach: 8. – 12. srpnja 2021.
Love International: 14. – 20. srpnja 2021.
Suncebeat: 22. – 28. srpnja 2021.
Outlook Origins: 29. srpnja– 2. kolovoza 2021.
Defected Croatia: 5. – 10. kolovoza 2021.
Dimensions: 12. – 16. kolovoza 2021.
Dekmantel Selectors: 26. – 31. Kolovoza 2021.

Muziku podržava