Sinoć u kasnim satima, na mail nam je došao dopis o ostavci Davorke Begović, dugogodišnje voditeljice glazbenog odjela SC-a u Zagrebu. Već smo pisali o upitnoj budućnosti programa te smjeni Nataše Rajković. Obzirom na ton maila u nastavku, očigledno se eksodus nastavlja.

“Dear friends and colleagues,

I would like to inform you that I have quit my job as Head of the music program at the Student Centre Zagreb, which included the artistic and managing direction of Izlog Festival. My decision came out as the only possible reaction, both from my professional and personal perspective, to before mentioned recent moves of the general management of the Student Centre Zagreb and changes they have done within the Cultural Department.

Muziku podržava

As I already wrote, earlier this summer SC management has removed our artistic director Natasa Rajkovic, head of the Cultural Department from her position, at the same time appointing the person who has no experience in managing cultural institutions, no knowledge about the field we were working in, no vision, strategy nor program for the future of the SC Cultural Department. The newly appointed head of the Cultural Department Davorin Sismanovic has been attacking and criticizing our programs and projects in public with no arguments. From the moment he took the position, he has not shared his plan with us – programmers and producers, but he just joined forces with the management on their path toward the amateurism and commercialization of the cultural program in the Student Centre.

As a musicologist and music professional working actively as the cultural worker for last 15 years, I strongly disapprove and resist current degradation of the Cultural Department in SC, ignorance and fully unprofessional attitude towards the job we are doing, towards our profession and towards the cultural institutions in general. Within the current working situation and climate in SC, I cannot continue doing my job on the professional level which we have been creating and building up for the last 14 years. I refuse to participate in the SC management’s political replacements, removal of professionalism, discrimination of knowledge and legalism, dilettante approach, and from today on I’m not working for the Student Centre Zagreb anymore.

I would like to THANK YOU for your contribution to the programs and projects of Music Showroom of the Culture of Change, for all your support, inspiring collaborations, amazing energy, vibes and efforts you brought in, interesting discussions, exciting experiments and great music and art we were enjoying together in the recent years. I will continue working in the field of contemporary music (and more), so I do hope that we will stay in touch and continue collaborating along our mutual path somewhere else. Let’s take it as a change, not as an end :)”

Muziku podržava