Rancid na prepad najavio novi album


Bez ikakve prethodne naznake uskoro stiže novi Rancid.

Trouble Maker” službeno izlazi 9. lipnja, baš na dan kada s Green Day sviraju u Ljubljani, i deveti je to dugometražni studijski uradak za Tima Armstronga i društvo. Posljednje smo od njih mogli čuti “Honor Is All We Know” iz 2014.

Popis pjesama:
1. Track Fast
2. Ghost of a Chance
3. Telegraph Avenue
4. An Intimate Close Up Of A Street Punk Trouble Maker
5. Where I’m Going
6. Buddy
7. Farewell Lola Blue
8. All American Neighborhood
9. Bovver Rock and Roll
10. Make it Out Alive
11. Molly Make Up Your Mind
12. I Got Them Blues Again
13. Beauty of the Pool Hall
14. Say Goodbye to Our Heroes
15. I Kept a Promise
16. Cold Cold Blood
17. This is Not the End

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