Pete Seeger najavio dva albuma za jesen


Iako su mu 93 godine, američka folk legenda Pete Seeger objavit će ove jeseni dva albuma: jedan u spomen na Woodya Guthriea, a drugi, autorski, u suradnji s iznimno impresivnom postavom.

Pete Remembers Woody” dvostruko je izdanje s Woodyevim pjesmama između kojih su ubačena Seegerova razmišljanja i anegdote, dok su Bruce Springsteen, Tom Morello, Steve Earle, Emmylou Harris i Dar Williams gosti albuma “A More Perfect Union” koji donosi četrnaest novih pjesama o politici, ekonomiji i očuvanju okoliša.

Popis pjesama:
God’s Counting on Me…God’s Counting on You (with Bruce Springsteen)
Old Apples
Keep the Flame Alive
Memories Out of Mud (with Dar Williams)
A More Perfect Union (with Tom Morello)
This Old Man Revisited (with Steve Earle and Dar Williams)
These Days in Zimbabwe
Somebody Else’s Eye
Strange Lullabye
Somos el Barco/We Are the Boat (with Emmylou Harris)
Howling for Our Supper
My Neighbor’s Needs
Wonderful Friends
A Toast to the Times
Fields of Harmony
Bountiful River

Oba albuma bit će objavljena 25. rujna.

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