Nightwish recikira novi album uz dodatak DVD-a


Nešto više od pola godine nakon objave aktualnog studijskog izdanja “Endless Forms Most Beautiful“, Nightwish će 30. listopada objaviti “Special Tour Edition” verziju istog tog uratka, ovaj put obogaćenog bonus DVD-om.

Uz koncertne snimke s aktualne turneje, DVD će sadržavati ‘making of’ scene, videospotove, fotogalerije i druge sadržaje.

01. Shudder Before The Beautiful
02. Weak Fantasy
03. Élan
04. Yours Is An Empty Hope
05. Our Decades In the Sun
06. My Walden
07. Endless Forms Most Beautiful
08. Edema Ruh
09. Alpenglow
10. The Eyes Of Sharbat Gula
11. The Greatest Show On Earth

01. Yours Is An Empty Hope (live)*
02. Stargazers (live)*
03. Planet Hell (special clip)
04. Last Of The Wilds (special clip)
05. Storytime (special clip)
06. Arabesque (special clip)
07. Last Ride Of The Day (special clip)
08. Making-of
– The Cabin
– By The Lake
– Inside His Head
– Summer Camp
– More Campers
– New Hometown
– Almost There
– London
– Mixing And Mastering
– Ready!
– Release Of The First Single
– The Theme Of The Album
– The Recordings For Floor & Kai
– Thoughts And Feelings
– The Release
– The Artwork
– The Tour Rehearsals
– The Tour Starts
– The Second Single
– The Upcoming Shows
– Troy
09. Élan (official video)
10. Endless Forms Most Beautiful (official video)
11. Photo Gallery

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