Album “Stuff Like That There” za 30. rođendan Yo La Tenga


Američki indie rock veterani Yo La Tengo svoju će jubilarnu 30. obljetnicu postojanja i 25 godina izlaska albuma”Fakebook” proslaviti novim studijskim izdanjem, naziva “Stuff Like That There” najavljenim za kraj kolovoza.

Na njihovu četrnaestom studijskom albumu, nasljedniku “Fadea” iz 2013., naći će se 14 pjesama, među kojima su originalne pjesme, obrade standarada drugih izvođača, kao i par obrada vlastitih uradaka:
My Heart’s Not in It (Darlene McCrea)
I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry (Hank Williams)
All Your Secrets (remake of track from “Popular Songs”)
The Ballad of Red Buckets (remake of track from “Electr-o-pura”)
Friday I’m in Love (The Cure)
Before We Stopped to Think (Great Plains)
Butchie’s Tune (The Lovin’ Spoonful)
Automatic Doom (Special Pillow)
I Can Feel the Ice Melting (The Parliaments)
Naples (Antietam)
Deeper Into Movies (remake of track from “I Can Hear the Heart Beating as One”)
Somebody’s in Love (The Cosmic Rays with Le Sun Ra and Arkestra)

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